Eddy, a jewelry designer for 60-plus years, is involved in all aspects of bead and jewelry design, from teaching at trade
shows, bead stores and bead societies across the U.S. to creating designer quality jewelry kits and tools. She was one of
the first bead artists to incorporate and advocate "component design" as a teaching method.
In 2009 she branched out into wire work design following the creation
of her patented Lazee Daizee Viking Knit all-in-one tool. Several of her wire weaving designs have won awards, including the 2009 Popular Vote Category in an Internet-wide wire sculpture competition, as well as the 2011 Bead & Button Bead Dreams competition and 2011 Fire Mountain Gem & Beads, Metals and Wirework contest. In 2012 she won
the Fire Mountain President's Award for her Viking Knit wire design. "Flight of the Dragon Flies."

In 2014, Stephanie was named Fire Mountain Gem's Grand Prize
Gold Medal Winner in the Wire Design category. In 2019, she was a Trendsetter in the category of Creative Clays.
has taught at the Kobe Japan Art Show, with her displayed at the Tokyo Art Metropolitan Museum’s Zen Exhibition. She
is a featured artist in “The Art of Beading Stitches”, among other publications, and represents Idaho in the upcoming
Kalmbach publication, “Beading Across America: Jewelry Inspiration from Coast to Coast”. She is also author and publisher of "The Lazee Daizee Guide to Viking Knit" and "Lazee Daizee Outer Limits: Viking
Knit and Beyond".
Her background also includes experience
with stained glass, glass fusing and blowing, pottery, wire work and welding, fibers, watercolor, enameling, sculpture and
costume and set design.
instructions have been published in a variety of bead and wire jewelry design books and periodicals.
She was a regular guest artist and designer on JTV's Jewel School, Knoxville,
Tenn., 2011-2018.
Stephanie makes her home in Garden City, Idaho, a surburb of