Book 1: "Lazee Daizee Guide to Viking Knit" - beginning to intermediate techniques using the 1/4-inch
Lazee Daizee Viking Knit tool - techniques are adaptable to the 1/2-inch Lazee Daizee tool. Choosing wire, single and double
Viking Knit illustrations, multiple wire weaving patterns, Tips & Tricks, Design Gallery, 3 projects to get you started.

2: "Lazee Daiizee Outer Limits, Viking Knit & Beyond" - Pushing the outer limits of conventional Viking
Knit design and composition - new intermediate to advanced techniques, designs and exploration into Viking Knit weaving, from
working with shapes, adding beads to the weave, shaping and component design to freeform weaving, flat and curved panels,
working with heavy gauge wires and more.